maj 20, 2012

från Public Banking-konferensen

Filed under: Uncategorized — standelion @ 18:39

Paul Hellyer, grundare av Canadian Action Party som har penningreform som en sina viktigaste punkter, på Public Banking-konferensen i Philadelphia den 27-28 april

Ellen Brown på samma konferens

och fler talare här – publicbankinginamerica.org/speakers.htm

april 24, 2012

Richard Werner

Filed under: Uncategorized — standelion @ 21:12

Prof Richard Werner at the Just Banking conference on 20th April 2012

Fler föredrag från samma konferens – http://www.youtube.com/user/EventVideoServices

Money As Debt del 3, Evolution Beyond Money, video 1 tim lång.

november 27, 2011

två bra artiklar på svenska!

Filed under: Uncategorized — standelion @ 14:22

Om vad som behöver göras, två insiktsfulla inlägg på svenska. Läget i världsekonomin har väl aldrig varit så ostabilt som nu! Det talas om att bankerna förbereder för euro-kollaps även i mainstreammedierna. Så det är hög tid att de lösningar som finns får allmän spridning.

Fria Tidningen – Låt demokratin skapa pengarna

De återkommande finanskriserna i det kapitalistiska systemet orsakas av dagens penningsystem, eftersom bankerna i princip har monopol på att skapa pengar – i form av krediter. En penningreform skulle därför återställa demokratins privilegium att skapa pengar. Yoshi Frey skriver om Monetative, ett initiativ som skulle kunna höja den allmänna inkomstnivån, stabilisera de offentliga finanserna, stabilisera finanssystemet och befria demokratin från bankernas utpressning.

Statschefer och centralbanker sliter med bankkriser och statsskulder. Men det finns redan färdiga förslag på hur krisen enkelt och framför allt smärtfritt skulle kunna lösas. Hittills har dock dessa förslag ignorerats i den offentliga debatten.Roten till de återkommande finanskriserna i det kapitalistiska systemet är vårt nuvarande pengasystem. Utan allmänhetens vetskap har bankerna nämligen skaffat sig möjligheten att skapa pengar ”ur intet” genom utlåning. Det innebär att utifrån en relativt liten summa pengar från centralbanken (så kallad fraktionell reserv) kan affärsbankerna skapa många hundra gånger nya pengar genom att ge lån till sina kunder.

Lösningen heter statliga pengar, men inga förstatligade banker. Alla pengar ska i framtiden skapas av Monetativan, den fjärde statsmakten. Den ska vara en demokratisk men politiskt oberoende valutamyndighet, till och med ännu mer oberoende än Riksbanken är i dag. Pengarna skapas av denna statliga myndighet utan ränta och amortering enligt realekonomins behov och sätts sedan av regeringen i omlopp, antingen genom utgifter eller genom medborgarlön. Den årliga tillväxten av penningmängden är inflationsneutral och beror på ekonomins reella tillväxt.

svd.se, 24 sept 2011 – Finansiella systemet är omättligt och sjukt

Vårt finansiella system bygger på ömsesidig skuldsättning där nya värden skapas genom skuldsättning. Därför kommer olika åtstramningsåtgärder eller finansiella stödpaket bara leda till konstgjord andning åt ett omättligt och sjukt system, skriver miljödebattörerna Nils Fagerberg och Ulf Jakobsson.

Vi befinner oss nu i en återvändsgränd. Vi kan inte skapa tillräckligt med ny skuld för det finns begränsat med trovärdig täckning, samtidigt som vi måste skapa mer skuld för annars frigör vi inte nytt kapital som behövs för tillväxten och räntebetalningarna. Världsekonomin är fastlåst i ett absurt och förlamande moment 22. Ekonomin kan bara reagera på två sätt, antingen med hyperinflation eller med kreditförluster, det vill säga att pengar går upp i rök i samband med omfattande konkurser.
De pressade ekonomierna i Europa och USA för en kamp som inte går att bemästra med de traditionella verktygen. Åtstramningsåtgärder eller finansiella stödpaket leder bara till konstgjord andning åt ett omättligt och sjukt system.

Ingen kan ändra på detta så länge inget görs åt det systemfel som ligger i botten. Den grundsten som alla finansiella värden bygger på måste analyseras och omvärderas gällande sin konstruktion och juridiska ramverk. Denna grundsten är våra pengar och dess förutsättningar för att skapas och existera.

Så länge pengar skapas genom skuld kommer världsekonomins huvudproblem också att handla om skuld. När ska ledande ekonomer och beslutsfattare börja diskutera de verkliga problemen?

november 11, 2011

Bernard Lietaer

Filed under: Uncategorized — standelion @ 20:43

Bernard Lietaer i ett föredrag som verkar ganska nytt, från spokenword.org. Han är ju förespråkare för komplementära valutor, att det ska finnas flera olika valutor i ett land, för att säkerställa en stabilitet i ekonomin. Han har som exempel WIR i Schweiz som han menar kan vara förklaringen till att man lyckas hålla ekonomin i Schweiz så fri från allvarliga kriser.

Money As Debt del 3

Filed under: Uncategorized — standelion @ 20:27

Paul Grignon har nu gjort en del 3 av sin klassiska Money As Debt. De tidigare delarna kan man nå HÄR

del 23 dessa kallas part 1 segment 1- 3. Sen finn 2 till som kallas part 4 segment 1 och 2. Vet inte om det ska finnas några däremellan.

oktober 14, 2011

Richard C Cook

Filed under: Uncategorized — standelion @ 16:05

Richard C Cook i en ny intervju, om penningreform och lokala valutor. Hans tal på ett möte om lokala valutor i Mexiko nyligen – “Seeing Through the Illusion of Money: From Barter to the Gaia Plan”

Äldre artiklar av Cook på globalresearch.ca

augusti 20, 2011

presentation av Greco

Filed under: Uncategorized — standelion @ 12:17

Thomas Greco vars bok The End of Money and the Future of Civilization kan beställas från adlibris.com för 140 kr.

Like the proverbial fish who doesn’t know what water is, we swim in an economy built on money that few of us comprehend, and, most definitely, what we don’t know is hurting us…

The End of Money – Presentation to Sustainable Tucson, August 12, 2009 from Thomas Greco on Vimeo.

augusti 6, 2011


Filed under: Uncategorized — standelion @ 12:15

Ett kapitel ur James Robertsons nya bok, som beräknas ges ut i september.

”Crises of financial instability are the inevitable result of mixing together the two conflicting functions of providing the public money supply in the interest of society as a whole, and competing for profit in the commercial market for lending and borrowing money.

A simple basic reform is all that is needed to separate the two functions now confused. It has two complementary parts.
(1) It will transfer to nationalised central banks like the Bank of England the responsibility for creating, not just banknotes and coins as now, but also the overwhelmingly large component of the supply of public money consisting of bank-account money mainly held and transmitted electronically. Having created the money, the central bank will give it to the government to spend it into circulation on public purposes under standard democratic budgetary procedures.

(2) It will prohibit anyone else, including commercial banks, from creating bank-account money out of thin air, just as forging metal coins and counterfeiting paper banknotes are criminal offences.

Visa det här dokumentet på Scribd

juli 17, 2011

no more national debt

Filed under: Uncategorized — standelion @ 19:50

Bill Still från den 8:e juli, om hur enkelt det vore att få ordning på den krisande amerikanska ekonomin! fler klipp med Still finns på – http://www.youtube.com/user/Kgallagher01http://billstill.com

juni 20, 2011


Filed under: Uncategorized — standelion @ 20:50

Intervju med Bill Still i två delar, från april 2011

juni 6, 2011

Werner – Debt Free and Interest Free Money

Filed under: Uncategorized — standelion @ 18:07

Ny video med Werner och Bazlinton – Debt Free and Interest Free Money

maj 29, 2011

Bazlinton och Werner

Filed under: Uncategorized — standelion @ 15:25

Del 2 och 3 av Charles Bazlintons samtal med Richard Werner om banker och pengar. Del 1 den 10 april nedan.

april 28, 2011

the money fix

Filed under: Uncategorized — standelion @ 20:24

The Money Fix

del 23456

april 10, 2011


Filed under: Uncategorized — standelion @ 17:47

Richard Werner och Charles Bazlinton – the-free-lunch.blogspot.com – om hur pengar uppstår.


april 3, 2011


Filed under: Uncategorized — standelion @ 12:18

Henning Witte ger en mycket bra och viktig förklaring till var de största och flesta problemen i samhället har sin rot!

Läs mer på whitetv.se

från Fria Tidningen – Penningsystemet är ett hot

Filed under: Uncategorized — standelion @ 12:12

Yoshi Frey, socionom och författare:

Vad har den finansiella, den ekologiska och den sociala krisen som gemensam nämnare? Det undrar ekonomiprofessor Bernard Lietaer i inledningen av sin läsvärda bok The Future of Money: Creating New Wealth, Work and a Wiser World. Han kommer fram till att alla dessa accelererande kriser triggas av ett dysfunktionellt penningsystem. En viktig grund till varför det blir allt svårare att hantera dessa kriser ligger i själva fundamentet av vårt ekonomiska system, det vill säga sättet som dagens pengar blir till på. För att kunna skapa en hållbar kapitalism krävs ett hållbart penningsystem. Ty penningsystemets inneboende logik styr alla ekonomiska beslut. Den styr om det blir en kortsiktig och ohållbar ekonomisk tillväxt som gynnar få eller en långsiktig och hållbar ekonomisk utveckling som gynnar alla.

Skuldpengar kallades också först för ”protestantiska” pengar, för det fick först statlig legitimitet genom bildandet av en centralbank i protestantiska stater som Sverige (1668) och England (1688). Det finns därmed en religiös bakgrund till dagens pseudorationella penningsystem. Bikten och avlatshandeln med skuldkänslan var katolikernas affärsidé. Inom protestantismen blev ”skuldhandeln” en internaliserad uppgörelse mellan individen och Gud. Att skapa pengar genom ett skulderkännande ter sig därför som ett ”naturligt” psykologiskt steg för en skuldmedveten protestant. Dagens pengar är i grunden en sekulariserad tro, inget annat. Det finns bara till för att vi tror på en illusionistisk, men internaliserad skuld.

Rätten till penningskapandet har i alla tider varit förbehållen en stats suverän. I dag är det bankernas rätt. Möjligheten att skapa pengar ”ur ingenting” är den moderna industrialiserade världens fundament. Det är verkligen ett imponerande illusionistiskt mästerverk som kräver all respekt. Ty det moderna samhället skulle inte blivit till och vara omöjligt att förstå utan insikt i illusionens innersta natur.

All ekonomisk verksamhet går ju ut på att betala tillbaka en skuld, ty alla förtjänande pengar är från början lånade pengar som ska betalas tillbaka. Men som alla vet så finns på all skuld en ränta. Och eftersom pengar skapas genom kredit innebär det att vi som samhälle i sin helhet måste låna mer pengar om vi vill kunna betala tillbaka våra skulder plus ränta. Detta innebär att vi måste skuldsätta oss ännu mera, med ännu mera räntekrav och så vidare.

Det är en klassisk ond cirkel. De som har läst lite om systemteori vet att alla system som har en positiv feedback är dömda att bryta samman. Det är därför en matematisk oundviklighet att vårt monetära system förr eller senare måste bryta ihop. Det existerande penningsystemet gör att skulderna växer exponentiellt över åren det vill säga de fördubblas i regelbunden takt, typ: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64. Förr eller senare hamnar systemet i en fordringskris där stater, organisationer och privatpersoner inte längre orkar låna mer för att skapa ännu mer pengar. Pengar som behövs för att skapa ännu mera tillväxt för att kunna betala räntorna av våra exponentiellt växande skulder.

Olyckligtvis ökar vår skuld automatiskt ju mer vi försöker tillfredsställa dess räntekrav. Vi kämpar förgäves hur vi än gör. Systemet måste rent matematiskt sluta i ett sammanbrott då skuldbördan växer mot oändligheten. Under tiden ökar prestationspressen på människorna, på naturens och våra sociala system. Liksom människorna kommer även naturens system alltmer ur balans. Tillväxttvånget respekterar inte behovet av återhämtning. Samhällena är tvungna att spara på jakt efter möjligheter att klara av en allt tyngre skuldbörda. Se bara nu på åtstramningspaketen i många länder. Samtidigt förväntas vi alla att konsumera så att det blir tillväxt och vi kan betala tillbaka en omöjlig skuld. Det är en ekvation som inte går ihop.


Läs hela artikeln på Fria Tidningen

mars 13, 2011

Simon Dixon

Filed under: Uncategorized — standelion @ 22:27


mars 4, 2011

Ellen Brown 15 jan

Filed under: Uncategorized — standelion @ 22:11

från unitedwestrike.com (där intervjun även finns som mp3, att ta med i mp3-spelaren)

februari 17, 2011


Filed under: Uncategorized — standelion @ 21:12

En 1 tim 15 min intervju med Stephen Zarlenga från 26 jan 2011 av Kim Greenhouse.

234 5678

Eller lyssna på eller ladda ner som mp3 – HÄR

februari 7, 2011

Community Currency Magazine feb 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — standelion @ 14:01

Om penningreform och komplementära valutor, med bl.a. Bernard Lietaer. från ccmag.net

Visa det här dokumentet på Scribd

februari 3, 2011

Bill Still och Simon Dixon

Filed under: Uncategorized — standelion @ 18:58

Bill Still och Simon Dixon, penningreformist från England.

del 2simondixon.org

januari 21, 2011


Filed under: Uncategorized — standelion @ 17:21

Liten intervju med Bernard Lietaer som är en av de som kan mest om penningsystem och penningreform.

del 23

januari 18, 2011

public banking

Filed under: Uncategorized — standelion @ 18:17

Det ekonomiska läget är mycket akut för flera amerikanska delstater, men lösningar finns! På många håll försöker man nu få gehör för att starta delstatsägda banker, drivna i alla medborgares intresse!

publicbankinginstitute.orgcaliforniagreenbacks.comCHINA’S CREATIVE ACCOUNTING: USING DEBT AS A TOOL FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT av Ellen Brown

januari 10, 2011

lagförslag i USA

Filed under: Uncategorized — standelion @ 20:26

Nikki Alexander – The Metaphysics of Money

A medium of exchange is a public utility and as such belongs to everyone. Its proper function is to expand opportunities for exchange so that humanity achieves its creative potential for contributing to the whole. Unlike a physical necessity, such as water, that might become scarce through natural phenomena, money can always be created at will, facilitating unlimited exchange among all people in all countries at all times.

Public ownership and regulation of the medium of exchange would permanently eliminate the artificial scarcity engineered by the owners of fiat debt and bring about nothing less than global renaissance ~ the complete transformation of human civilization.

Imagine the possibilities.

Every nation in the world crippled and looted by the international debt cartel (Wall Street, City of London, World Bank, IMF, Paris Club, central banks and ‘royal’ families) could henceforth print their own currency in whatever quantity is sufficient to retire their fictitious fiat debt and ensure that all citizens have the means to produce and exchange their creations. Every nation could spend its own currency into circulation, underwriting public education, infrastructure and universal health care. Every nation could renew family farms, produce its own food, restore native industries, abolish sweat shops, expel corporate polluters and repair environmental damage within its borders. Humanity would be liberated from centuries of colonial bondage simply by inactivating one negative control system and activating a positive one.

The light has come.

On November 23, 2010, Congressman Dennis Kucinich introduced HR 6550, the National Emergency Employment Defense Act. This historic legislation would restore the function of money-creation to the US Government ~ the public ~ as originally mandated by our Constitution, eliminating the control and ownership of our medium of exchange by private bankers. The US Treasury would directly issue and regulate our currency instead of borrowing imaginary keyboard credit from private banks, thereby retiring our debilitating public debt and ending the destructive cycle of economic contractions that have been draining our national resources for centuries.

This bill could languish in the House Financial Services Committee and never reach the House or Senate for a vote ~ if We the People fail to seize this astounding opportunity to change the course of history.

Educate your neighbors and friends, write letters to your local newspaper, and contact your representatives in Congress.


Ett lagförslag om en verklig penningreform har alltså lagts fram i USA! Lagförslaget som pdf

januari 4, 2011

the end of money

Filed under: Uncategorized — standelion @ 22:42

Thomas Greco om hur ett sunt penningsystem kan skapas.

Hans senaste bok – The End of Money and the Future of Civilization – kan beställas på adlibris för 147 kr.

The End of Money and the Future of Civilization demystifies the subjects of money, banking, and finance by tracing historical landmarks and important evolutionary shifts that have changed the essential nature of money. Greco’s masterful work lays out the problems and then looks to the future for a next stage in money’s evolution that can liberate us as individuals and communities from the current grip of centralized and politicized money power.

books.google.com – mer om Greco på alternativportalen.wordpress.com

december 28, 2010

Ellen Brown m.fl.

Filed under: Uncategorized — standelion @ 23:01

Ett 1-timmes program från den 27 juni 2010 med 4 kunniga inom området penningreform – Ellen Brown, Daryl Bradford Smith, Donald Martin och Muhammad Rafeeq – FINNS HÄR

och ett program från den 11 aug 2010 med bara Ellen Brown och Daryl Bradford SmithFINNS HÄR

Båda mycket väl värda att lyssna på!

december 11, 2010


Filed under: Uncategorized — standelion @ 19:14

Ett 2 timmar långt radioprogram (på engelska) från 2 dec. i år om:

Origins of money – the history and purpose of currency – The Book Discussed: The Lost Science of Money / The Mythology of Money – The Story of Power by Stephen Zarlenga

finns på peacerevolution.podomatic.com från tragedyandhope.com

december 10, 2010

mysteriet med pengar

Filed under: Uncategorized — standelion @ 09:09
Visa det här dokumentet på Scribd

november 22, 2010


Filed under: Uncategorized — standelion @ 22:06

Michael Rowbotham i ett föredrag som är några år gammalt, men inte på något sätt inaktuellt. Lite dålig ljudkvalitet dock.

del 2345 comer.org. Några kommentarer om Rowbothams bok, The Grip of Death:


”The author concludes by stressing that monetary reform is not primarily a technical matter but a political one. He shows convincingly that bank-produced money is neither a neutral nor accurate medium and that money should be created instead by governments answerable to their peoples to whom the right to issue it belongs.”


The author notes that “our government officials, political economists and newspaper columnists appear intellectually content with the current arrangements, oblivious to the depth of crisis that economics presents to the world.

“They still happily argue about the dangers of ‘overheating’ or needing to ‘cool off’, as if an economy that functions along the lines of a domestic boiler or kitchen toaster provides an acceptable basis for co-ordinating human activity.”
“It is assumed by everyone — and clearly by economists — that money is a neutral and accurate medium; that money does no more than reflect the economic facts.
“It is assumed by almost everyone that the financial figures provide an accurate statement of our affairs. All the economists, politicians, businessmen and industrial experts agree, so we simply must cut expenditure, become more competitive, improve productivity, start new enterprises, create more jobs, export more to other countries. They are saying the same in …” (and here you can list every country you can think of).
The author explains that modern money actually operates within its own detached and limited mathematical world. It projects its own version of ‘the facts’; its own version of an economy; its own reality. It tells us what we can and cannot do; it tells us what we can and cannot afford. But these amount to demonstrably false, irrelevant and misleading ‘facts’.


He observes that “every budget and every election is dominated by spending plans, spending cuts, savings made here, and accusations of money wasted there. ‘The other party’s spending plans don’t add up’ they all chorus. Scores of economists and political commentators then huddle round their calculators to check whether one party’s promises have more financial credibility than the other’s. With a triumphant shout, the claim is made that ‘there isn’t enough money’… So we can’t do it. Money is trusted. Money is accepted as the final arbiter. Money is the overall economic truth; the limiting reality. And if there isn’t enough money, well that’s that …
“For any one person not to have enough money is rational; for an entire economy constantly not to have enough money, and thereby prevented from doing what it is clearly capable of doing, is absurd.”

Let’s not be taken in by the cries of we must have economic growth, inward investment, or the bleating for more jobs. The reality, a simple counting of numbers, will show that there is not, and never can be — under the debt finance system — enough money to pay off the debts.

Första kapitlet ur boken.

november 19, 2010

A Monetary System for the New Millennium

Filed under: Uncategorized — standelion @ 15:15

Har han verkligen rätt i att John Law hittat på fractional reserve-systemet? Annars låter det mycket förnuftigt det han säger.

A Monetary System for the New Millennium
by Roger Langrick

The Debt Engine is a phrase to describe unrelenting, forever increasing private and government debt. The need to stay ahead of escalating debt fuels practically everything we do; it forces us out of bed in the morning to go to jobs that most of us despise. Corporations make all their decisions around first how to service their snowballing debt, and secondly around profit. Governments spend all their time worrying about how to meet their social agendas while at the same time service the increasing debt load of deficit spending.

As a motivating force, the Debt Engine now exceeds all others in the insane dash of the planet towards self destruction. Universal unrepayable debt creates a social environment in which certain types of behavior flourish and inhibits or destroys any tendency towards long term concerns and nourishment.

Unrepayable Debt is different than the everyday debt of normal life. Unrepayable Debt is an actual built in flaw of our present monetary system: The Fractional Reserve System. It benefits no-one except those intimately connected with the banking industry and in spite of its devastating repercussions, it is a flaw that can be fixed.

Everyone has some ideas about money, who controls it, where it comes from and how it operates. Some say the government prints it; others say hard work makes money, while others would guess that it’s something to do with gold. They might also picture it as a vast pile with everyone competing for as much as they can get. Bankers sometimes inflame our passions by claiming that the government has grabbed all the money and there is none left for private industry.

It’s all poppycock. Our money supply isn’t created by the government; a brilliant idea doesn’t make money and neither does hard work (unless you happen to be in the counterfeiting business.) Our money is a national accounting system of who owes what to whom, and it is a system that is owned and operated by the private banking industry.

There is no such thing as a static heap of money created by hard work and business cunning. Money flicks in and out of existence as credit and debit balances; the money supply swells and contracts continuously as loans are created and then destroyed. Money is simply a bookkeeping system; a man created device.

The man who invented the monetary system which we use today was a Scotsman, John Law, who lived during the 18th. century. He invented a new type of money to replace the old one of specie (the use of coins). In doing so he created the mechanism to finance the industrial revolution, and ultimately our modern technological world.

Much has been made of the astounding inventions of that era but what is often forgotten is that most of them would have never have seen the light of day without John Law and his invention: the Fractional Reserve Money System. Without it, there would have been no railroads, no Nissans or G.M.’s, nor would there have been any super highways to drive them on. There would have been no space shuttle, no Love Canal, no drift net fishing, no heart transplants and no Cruise missiles.

What John Law did with his invention of a new money system was enable the Industrial Revolution, with all of its good and bad aspects, to take place. Without him, the Revolution would have fizzled and died and with it, our technological world.

Here was the problem which John Law solved. In the early 1700’s the newly industrializing nations of the world were in a perpetual state of economic crisis because their coinage system of money could not keep up with demand. Governments tried everything to increase the money supply. One trick was to make new coins much smaller than the old thereby getting more per ounce, but it was a stop gap measure at best.

To grasp the magnitude of the problem, try to imagine building just one modern skyscraper using only gold coins as finance. The industrialists of the Industrial Revolution were faced with a similar problem; how to build their factories, mills and railroads using only scarce gold coins.

John Law’s solution was to create a national paper money supply; banknotes that would be officially recognized as ”real money”. The advantages were obvious. Paper money could be expanded indefinitely and was much cheaper than specie to make. To get and keep initial public confidence, Law suggested a fraction of gold be always kept on hand for the few people who wanted to redeem their notes.

Through a process of trial and error it was found that specie could support about ten times its value in paper money. That is, a bank which held $10 in gold could safely print and loan out about $100 in paper money. The gold held in reserve was obviously a mere fraction of the banknotes which it supported and so the system became known as the Fractional Reserve System. The private banking industry was chartered by government to create the new money supply of paper notes. Until earlier in this century, banks literally printed their own supply against their own gold reserves with their name on each note, and lent them out to the public and government. Now the federal government has taken on the printing job but the notes are still drawn on private banks.

In the 1930’s the convertibility of bank notes was dropped but the Fractional Reserve System is alive and well today, albeit in a more sophisticated form. Cheques or credit cards have largely replaced paper money but the principle remains the same; the banking industry creates the money which government and society then borrows.

John Law’s method of money creation is still the dynamo that powers our present world. By replacing specie with a simple national accounting system of credit and debit, he made money infinitely more flexible, able to be contracted or expanded to meet any situation.

However, using the Fractional Reserve System has not been a universally happy experience. It has a built in mechanical flaw that always keeps total national and private debt ahead of the money available to repay it. In fact the more a nation expands, the more it automatically goes into debt to the system over and above the money that it borrows.

To explain, imagine the first bank which prints and lends out $100. For its efforts it asks for the borrower to return $110 in one year; that is it asks for 10% interest. Unwittingly, or maybe wittingly, the bank has created a mathematically impossible situation. The only way in which the borrower can return 110 of the bank’s notes is if the bank prints, and lends, $10 more…at 10% interest.

When presented with this scenario, there is often a tendency to think :”Ah, but the borrower can always make the extra $10 somewhere else, through hard work or a deal overseas.” However, although we frequently inter change the two sayings, earning money is not the same as making it. Earnings are simply a transfer of money from on ownership to another and neither increase nor decrease the total money in existence. Making money actually does increase the nation’s money supply but no-one can do that but the banking industry itself as laid down in its charter from the federal government.

The result of creating 100 and demanding 110 in return, is that the collective borrowers of a nation are forever chasing a phantom which can never be caught; the mythical $10 that were never created. The debt in fact is unrepayable. Each time $100 is created for the nation, the nation’s overall indebtedness to the system is increased by $110.

The only solution at present is increased borrowing to cover the principle plus the interest of what has been borrowed. The business or government that cannot expand its borrowing every year is seized by its increasing debt load and dragged under.

Many economists are not unmindful of the problem but pass it off as irrelevant. They say that if the marketplace economy keeps expanding, thereby fuelling an increase in the total money supply, there is no problem with meeting interest payments on an increasing debt load. But under such circumstances, economic expansion is not a luxury but an imperative to stay ahead.

In John Law’s day, the need to continuously expand to meet growing debt repayments was seen as a minor problem of no consequence. Today however we all know the planet cannot sustain unlimited growth. Even so, we are stuck with a monetary system that demands continuous expansion or face the chaos of total economic collapse.

The consequences of the Debt Engine are everywhere. Political and business leaders are sacrificing the planet to stay ahead of bankruptcy. Technology is not being used to create a sane and sustainable lifestyle for us all but is being channeled into the most narrow band of activity: the market place activity of ”making” money. Just as governments are forced into ignoring vital social and environmental questions in their efforts to balance the books, so many corporations are putting to one side such things as resource depletion and the destruction of the ecosystem in their frantic efforts to remain economically alive.

But the situation is not completely bleak. Just as John Law found a way around the impasse of coinage, so there are solutions for the problem of unrepayable debt. Obviously the first thing to do is make sure that the ratio of credit to debt is always the same. Under the Fractional Reserve System, $100 credit is created and $110 debt is demanded in return; that is, there is always more debt than credit. This equation should be $100 credit equals $100 debt.

The mechanics of how to achieve this were proposed over one hundred and fifty years ago. It was proposed that the nation’s money be created by two agencies: the banking industry and government.

Instead of taxes, government would be empowered to create money for its own expenses up to the balance the debt shortfall. Thus, if the banking industry created $100 in a year, the government would create $10 which it would use for its own expenses. Abraham Lincoln used this successfully when he created $500 million of ”greenbacks” to fight the Civil War.

A government which creates its own money supply becomes independent and the most important result of freeing government from its present debtor relationship to the banking industry would be to make it more able to respond to social pressures for reform. A financially independent government would be able to pursue long term agendas for the betterment of society. For instance, a twin source of money creation could not only rapidly reduce taxes, but create additional funding for other initiatives. A government having the same right of issue as is now monopolized by the banking industry could fund vital job creating initiatives such as environmental repair and sustainable technology on a scale that is hard to imagine.

America has the resources to lead the world into a sustainable future. But it needs a monetary system which will allow for its resources to be mobilized towards a greater destiny than marketplace superiority. Such a new monetary system with all of its potential would require a dramatic upgrading of society’s consciousness and understanding of money. We have to move from a simplistic belief in money having an intrinsic value of its own and see it as a bookkeeping system of the real wealth of our nations. Ultimately our money is not dependent on gold in Fort Knox but on the human and natural resources which it represents.

The world has passed beyond an age of scarcity and the challenge of the new era is not about solving problems of want, but dealing with abundance and how to use it to create a sustainable future. Above all we need the visionaries able to point the way.

In my forthcoming book Superproduction I try to address the potential which is now in our grasp. With computerization, robotics, advances in genetics and food growing, we have the potential to turn the planet into a sustainable ecosystem capable of supporting all. We have the technology to genuinely contemplate colonizing the solar system.

This is not a time to be saddled with an 18th century money system designed around the endless rape of the planet. John Law enabled humanity to scrabble out of scarcity but now his system is antiquated. Philosophically it is based on the robber baron mentality and technically it is flawed with Unrepayable Debt. As such it is unable to respond either to the abundance which it created or the problems which it spawned.

The Debt Engine has distorted the potential of the Industrial Revolution and forced us into a narrow focus of marketplace ethic. A new monetary system with enough government control to ensure funding of vital issues could unlock the creative potential of the entire nation. By redirecting the focus of our national economy, a new monetary system would enable men and women who can think in terms of abundance not only for themselves but how also to use it for the benefit of the entire planet. I know John Law would approve.

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